
Pick 5 music artists that you love before reading the questions:

1. bon iver

2. maskinen

3. gorillaz

4. ofwgkta

5. timbuktu

What was the first song you heard by 1?

skinny love

What is your favorite song by 5?

How many times have you seen 4 live?
haha ingen men i wish!

What is your favorite song by 2?
gatan upp

Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
haha nej

When did you first get into 2?
typ i början av sommaren....

What is your favorite song by 4?

antingen radical eller she

What is a good memory concerning 1?

inget speciellt typ att jag har lyssnat på bon iver sen typ 3 år tillbaka så det kan finnas många minnen

Is there a song by 2 that makes you sad?


What is your favorite song by 3?
on melancholy hill..

(det här var onödigt men jag väntar på att pll videorna ska ha laddat klart)


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